First Sas for 2024

2024's first Sas (L1, FBI shoot and AGM)

There will be opportunity to do L1. I hope everyone is fit and ready to beat last year's scores. This will be an online event, so that Funky Town and MPU can compete and share their online scores. We will also do some other shoots that are easy to replicate between the two clubs. This will include: NHSA 100m Rifle shoot (Bring your own target if you want to submit it to Natshoot.) Quick Draw FBI Qualification Shoot - (30 rounds) etc The required gear is your L1 kit.and additional 5 rifle rounds + Your own printed natshoot target if you want to submit it. 50 rounds handgun After the shoot we will have the AGM for the club along with a braai. So please bring a piece of meat and some refreshments. We will also try to have a Zoom call, so people can join the AGM remotely. We will try to have it at 12:00.

01/20/2024 07:00:00
Funky Town
Entry Fees:
Entry Fee Range Fee
Member R 0 R 0
Member of other chapter R 0 R 0
Non-Member R 0 R 250